The Sixth Word

“It is finished.” John 19:30


God willed that fallen man would be reconciled to Him and the Incarnation occurred. Jesus, who was fully human and fully Divine, came as our Redeemer. His only business was that of his Father’s. Even at the age of 12 he told Mary and Joseph as they frantically sought him out in the temple that He had to be about His Father’s business and appeared to be puzzled that they could not understand this. In hindsight let us not be puzzled.

When Jesus said he “thirsted” he put the capstone on the Old Covenant and laid the cornerstone for the new. All the Old Testament prophecies regarding Him during his earthly existence were now fulfilled and he had done the will of His Father. When Jesus said, “It is finished” he was saying that the salvation structure to be built following the eternal blueprint which had been mapped out when the stars were flung into existence had now been built. His one remaining task was to relinquish this life and commend his spirit into the hands of His Father.

Jesus crushed the head of the snake, as foretold by Genesis 3:15. What else could he have done for us?

Some websites and references

Footnotes and Attributions

The painting of Christ’s heel coming down upon Satan’s head retrieved from Reflections for Living website.

Last modified August 5, 2019