To Heaven, Hell and Back

When we talk about heaven we are speaking of the unknowable, and biblical descriptions are appropriately vague. 1 Corinthians 2:9 tells us that “no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him.” When we speak of hell we contemplate the unthinkable, and biblical descriptions are brimming with pain and punishment. We like to ignore these descriptions.

Maybe that is why God has permitted some to glimpse heaven and hell, and tell us about them – the best they can. There are those whose credibility cannot be attacked who claim to have been granted the visions of heaven, hell, and even purgatory.

To heaven, hell and back

Father Jose Maniyangat was born in India in 1949 and was ordained a Catholic priest in 1975. In 1985 he was riding his motorcycle in Kerala, India on his way to celebrate Mass at a mission when he was hit head-on by a jeep driven by a drunk driver. He was rushed to a hospital about 35 miles away. He died enroute and was pronounced dead at the hospital by a doctor. Because the hospital did not have air conditioners they were concerned that the body would decompose quickly, and his dead body was transported to the morgue.

This is Father Jose’s account of what happened:

On the way my soul came out from my body and I experienced death. Immediately I met my Guardian angel. I saw my body and the people who were carrying me to the hospital. I heard them crying and praying for me. At this time my angel told me: “I am going to take you to Heaven, the Lord wants to meet you and talk with you”. He also said that on the way he wanted to show me hell and purgatory.

First, the angel escorted me to hell. It was an awful sight! I saw Satan and the devils, an unquenchable fire of about 2,000 Fahrenheit degrees, worms crawling, people screaming and fighting, others being tortured by demons. The angel told me that all these sufferings were due to unrepented mortal sins. Then, I understood that there are seven degrees of suffering or levels according to the number and kinds of mortal sins committed in their earthly lives. The souls looked very ugly, cruel and horrific. It was a fearful experience. I saw people whom I knew but I am not allowed to reveal their identities. The sins that convicted them were mainly abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, hatefulness, unforgiveness and sacrilege. The angel told me that if they had repented they would have avoided hell and gone instead to purgatory. I also understood that some people who repent from these sins might be purified on earth through their sufferings. This way they can avoid purgatory and go straight to heaven.

After the visit to hell, my Guardian angel escorted me to Purgatory. Here too, there are seven degrees of suffering and unquenchable fire. But it is far less intense than hell and there was neither quarreling nor fighting. The main suffering of these souls is their separation from God. Some of those who are in Purgatory committed numerous mortal sins; but they were reconciled with God before their death. Even though these souls are suffering, they enjoy peace and the knowledge that one day they will see God face to face.

I had a chance to communicate with the souls in Purgatory. They asked me to pray for them and to tell the people to pray for them as well, so they can go to heaven quickly. When we pray for these souls we will receive their gratitude through their prayers and once they enter heaven their prayers become even more meritorious.

It is difficult for me to describe how beautiful my Guardian angel is. He is radiant and bright. He is my constant companion and helps me in all my ministries, especially my healing ministry. I experience his presence everywhere I go and I am grateful for his protection in my daily life.

Next, my angel escorted me to heaven passing through a big dazzling white tunnel. I never experienced this much peace and joy in my life. Then immediately the heaven opened up and I heard the most delightful music, which I never heard before. The angels were singing and praising God. I saw all the saints, especially the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph, and many dedicated holy Bishops and Priests who were shining like stars. And when I appeared before the Lord, Jesus told me: “I want you to go back to the world. In your second life you will be an instrument of peace and healing to my people. You will walk in a foreign land and you will speak in a foreign tongue. Everything is possible for you with my grace”. After these words, the Blessed Mother told me: “Do whatever He tells you. I will help you in your ministries”.

Words can not express the beauty of heaven. There we find so much peace and happiness, which exceed a million times our imagination. Our Lord is far more beautiful than any image can convey. His face is radiant and luminous and more beautiful than a thousand rising suns. The pictures we see in the world are only a shadow of His magnificence. The Blessed Mother was next to Jesus; she was so beautiful and radiant. None of the images we see in this world can compare with her real beauty. Heaven is our real home, we are all created to reach heaven and enjoy God forever. Then, I came back to the world with my angel.

Father Jose continues: “As they were moving my dead body to the morgue, my soul came back to the body. I felt an excruciating pain because of so many wounds and broken bones. I began to scream and then the people became frightened and ran away screaming. One of them approached the doctor and said: “the dead body is screaming”. The doctor came to examine the body and found that I was alive. So he said: “Father is alive, it is a miracle, take him back to the hospital”.

A healing ministry

Father Jose was in the hospital for two months, undergoing surgeries to repair the broken lower jaw, ribs, pelvic bone, wrists, and right leg. His orthopedic doctor said that he would never walk again, and Father Jose replied, “The Lord who gave me my life back and sent me back to the world will heal me.” He continues: “Once at home we were all praying for a miracle. Still after a month and with the casts removed I was not able to move. But one day while praying I felt an extraordinary pain in my pelvic area. After a short while the pain disappeared completely and I heard a voice saying: “You are healed. Get up and walk.” I felt the peace and healing power on my body. I immediately got up and walked. I praised and thanked God for the miracle.

Following his healing, Father Jose’s Hindu doctor converted and was baptized into the Catholic faith by Father Jose.

Father Jose came to the United States in 1986 as a missionary priest, working in the Diocese of Boise, Idaho (1987 – 1989) and Director of Prison Ministry in the Diocese of Orlando, Florida (1989 — 1992). He has since served in various parishes in Florida. Among other spiritual activities, he has served as the Catholic Chaplain for in various state prisons, as well as the Diocesan Spiritual Director of the Legion of Mary. Father Jose retired effective April 15, 2016 from active parish duties and now shares his Healing Ministry on a full-time basis with people throughout the world.

In other words, Father Jose’s actions and life are 100% consistent with the vision he received in India in 1985 and his miraculous cure. His actions following his encounter with the Risen Lord confirm the sincerity of his beliefs and special gifts which were conferred upon him.

It is hard to separate ‘real’ visions or revelations about heaven and hell from the imaginary (but believed by the visionary to be true) and fraudulent claims. If you are a Christian you tend to accept them, particularly when they conform to your understanding of these eternal destinations. If you are non-Christian and wish to remain so, you have no option but to disbelieve all of them.


While visions of the afterlife may vary, one common characteristic is that those who have undergone a near death experience (or life after death) are never the same. Dreams and nightmares may haunt you for a while, but you know they are imaginings. Drug induced euphoria or horror are later recognized by the person as not real. That is not the case with those who have been to heaven or hell and back when they were clinically dead or approaching death. They all remember the event as a real event, and their lives are changed forever.

Some websites and references

Last modified July 31, 2019