

Life after Death Experiences, Visions, and Personal Experiences

As described in Glimpsing Eternity, there have been uncounted thousands who have lived through near-death-experiences (or Life after Death), claimed visions into eternity, or experienced events in their lives that can only be described as divine interventions. Some can be explained as outright lies, physiological and chemical changes as the brain shuts down, hallucinations, dreams, or wishful thinking. But there are numerous episodes that cannot be so easily explained.

Near-death-experiences are the events most easily subject to objective verification because the experience occurred in the presence of reliable witnesses. The person was clinically dead, or close to it, and reported what they describe as being lifted into heaven or, in some cases, allowed to witness the terrors of hell. Typical experiences include being outside their body and witnessing events around them. Many report going through a tunnel, being enveloped by a glorious light and love, meeting departed loved ones, heavenly beings, beautiful scenes and indescribably beautiful colors, being enveloped by incredibly beautiful music, feeling they belong there, conversations with heavenly beings (including Jesus), and being told it was not their time, and a return to their body – sometimes painfully.

Two that you should examine are those experienced by Father Jose Maniyangat described in To Heaven, Hell and Back and four-year-old Colton Burpo in Heaven is for Real. Others will be added to this website. Each claimed encounter must be examined on its own merits; don’t allow one tainted claimed experience taint others.

Last modified June 17, 2019