
Killing atheism

Atheists assert there is no evidence for God. This website will plainly show this  contention to be false; God does not hide. We by-pass traditional apologetics (which don’t work and are easily structured to support the person’s predetermined belief) and compellingly describe evidence and verified events from all Christian traditions showing that God has revealed himself throughout history and continues to do so. Moreover, he has provided us with the means to sustain and build our faith. He has also gifted us with free will to accept or reject his love. Don’t be stupid.

If you are looking for facts (and not mere opinions or conflicting erudite scholarship) and ways to keep you firm in your belief (or to help others who are struggling with their faith), you’ve landed on a great site. Please be sure to visit Overview for an outline of this site and Help my Unbelief for a comprehensive recap.

If you carefully consider these website materials, you will know (a) that the God of Christian theology does not hide and that the biblical accounts of Jesus’ life, teachings, death, and resurrection are true and (b) that God’s love for us is powerful beyond all understanding. Of equal importance, we will show you how to keep your faith alive and growing. Start with Atheist Objections. There, you will find the principal arguments attacking Christianity, and where in this site these arguments are addressed.

Reason for website

As is evidenced by the best-seller, Heaven is for Real, which sold more than ten million copies, there is an overwhelming desire to believe. Many, however, can’t get around the arguments and attacks by atheists. Books and websites dealing with this topic tend to present a stream of logic and scriptural interpretations in a good faith attempt to persuade based upon the authors’ academic credentials or the authorities to whom they refer. In all honesty, these attempts are obtuse and boring.

That is why I created this website, and am putting the finishing touches on my book, “Killing Atheism: Compelling Evidence and Reasons to Believe Jesus.” This book will provide more detail for the hard evidence confirming the biblical Jesus and include additional guidance for how to remain in Christ’s presence throughout the day.

About Ken Fredrickson – Author of this website

Ken Fredrickson is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate from the University of California at Berkeley (summa cum laude from the School of Criminology) and received his JD from the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Having started his legal career with a Wall Street law firm and having practiced corporate, securities, and tax law for 30 years he knows how to research, analyze and write about complex issues.

Ken was born into a Mormon family, migrated to a generic Christian faith, and finally baptized into the Catholic Church. Having lived in Oklahoma for many years he is very familiar with Evangelical teachings. His oldest son is a member of the Eastern Orthodox tradition. Other members of the extended family include Evangelicals, Mormons, main-stream Protestants, Seventh-Day-Adventists, and (unfortunately, but hopefully only temporarily) agnostics and atheists.

This experience as an attorney and his life-long exposure to skepticism and the teachings of different Christian traditions provide unique credentials for writing these materials. The world has plenty of theologians and academicians telling us what to think and believe; what it needs is a few amateur exponents of Christianity (think C.S. Lewis) providing a fresh perspective.

Consequently, this website and Ken’s follow-up book address the problem relating to God and theology in terms that make sense to the average person, using examples of verified non-biblical events that have no explanation other than divine intervention, and leave the reader saying, “Yes, of course!”

Three portraits of Jesus

On the Home page are three representations of Jesus. The center image is the icon called Christ Pantocrator which dates to the early seventh century. This Orthodox icon reveals an image of Jesus strikingly different from many earlier images of Jesus. To his right is the negative of the face of the man on the Shroud of Turin. This is Jesus Christ at the instant of his resurrection. The third portrait is just that – a portrait. It was painted by an eight-year-old girl (daughter of then atheists) who said she had a vision of heaven and of Jesus when she was four years old. That is the same age as another child, Colton Burpo, who talked about entering heaven and seeing Jesus and his mother, Mary, while he was being operated on and fighting for his life (see Heaven is for Real). The portrait painted by the little girl, called the Prince of Peace, was independently and almost casually confirmed by Colton (the son of a Protestant minister) as the Jesus he saw when he visited heaven. Notice the pictorial similarities of all three representations: The brutality of the crucifixion revealed on the Shroud of Turin, most closely identified with the Catholic Church; the teaching icon of the Orthodox Pantocrator; and the dual nature of Christ revealed in the Protestant Prince of Peace.

I think God is telling us that the unity of the three major Christian traditions, particularly when they focus on Christ, is more powerful than their divisions. All Christians believe that God loved us so much that Jesus Christ became our redeeming Savior, born the Son of God who suffered, died, was resurrected in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he holds the key to eternal salvation. Don’t let doctrinal differences among the various Christian traditions deter you from finding your home with Christ or divert you from helping others find Christ. See Sharing your Faith.

Everything that follows in this site is intended to reflect the broad reach and love demonstrated by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Although I am Catholic, I am not trying to persuade you to become one yourself. I am trying to open the door to the Christian mansion and leave it to you to find the room which best suits you after you have entered.

Some websites and references

Footnotes and Attributions

The Temptation of Christ by the Devil by Félix Joseph Barrias (1822 – 1907) retrieved from Wikimedia Commons.

Last modified September 1, 2019