Help my Unbelief:

An Overview of Compelling Evidence and Reasons to Believe

Setting the stage

1.     Are you sure you want to believe? I can’t explain it, but I know there are some, perhaps many, that would never accept the biblical Jesus even if he were to rise from the grave in front of them. Here’s a good way to determine whether you are within this group of hard-core nonbelievers. Go to The Shroud of Turin: A Brief Introduction; The Savior’s Incredible Love; and Our Lady of Fatima and the Miracle of the Sun. When you are finished, click on any atheist or skeptic’s website and read their arguments as to why you shouldn’t believe. Examine their reasons in light of Fatima and the Shroud. Do they even talk about the Shroud or Fatima? If they do, do their arguments and alternative explanations address the undisputed facts relating to the Shroud or Fatima? For example, in the case of the Shroud of Turin do they address how the great bulk of the characteristics and physical features were only first revealed in 1898 and that they simply could not have been created by a medieval artist. In the case of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, do they even mention that beginning three months earlier the three children said that a miracle would occur at noon on October 13th at a specified location? If they do, does their explanation make sense? Notice also how the facts pertaining to the Shroud or Fatima are distorted in the websites attacking them.

2.     Are you prepared to engage both your brain and heart? Christianity is not exclusively an intellectual exercise. That’s just the beginning. As Brother Lawrence tells us, “It is not necessary to have either a keen intellect or a great knowledge to go to God, but simply a heart to apply itself to God and for him and to love only him.” Your brain may enter you into the race, but your heart carries you over the finish line.

3.     Christians believe that Jesus gave himself completely, without reservation, and took the time to suffer and die on the cross for us. You need to bring that suffering and love into your heart and return it. If you see Christ hanging from the cross and only your intellect is affected, you need to restart your engines. I don’t see how it’s possible to be an enduring Christian unless you suffer with him on the cross and are moved by his love. It is on the cross that his love is revealed in no uncertain terms.

4.     We need to humble ourselves and try to speak with the Creator, and Prayer is our way of communicating with God. Any effort to find God without trying to talk to him (even if you don’t believe) would be like surviving in an atmosphere without oxygen. It can’t be done. Without prayer, Jesus will remain a mystery. You may catch an occasional glimpse, but it will be fleeting. Prayer is our starting, middle, and end point to believe and to live in the presence of God.

5.     A question for your consideration: What motivates outspoken atheists and skeptics to so vehemently attack Christ and his followers? What is the upside for the militant atheist to destroy someone’s faith? How does he profit my making a believer into a non-believer? Can they possibly believe the world will be a better place if Christianity were to be eradicated? A possible answer for some unbelievers may be a hidden or unrecognized agenda for the believer to show him God. For the hard-nosed skeptic I wonder if pride prevents them from believing. Can it be they reject God’s Amazing Grace because they cannot tolerate the concept of an Eternal Being to whom they must ultimately surrender?

A hidden God

The traditional reasons for disbelief are summarized in Atheist Objections. Reason and Traditional Apologetics can’t answer these arguments because there are always counter arguments. The antagonists merely dance back and forth on the stage, convincing only themselves and others who believe the same. Apologetics on both sides seem to start off with the conclusion, followed by arguments to support the desired result. The primary objective seems to win the debate, and not to uncover the truth.

The overriding reason for nonbelief is that if God existed, he would show himself. He hasn’t, thereby demonstrating he is a myth. All other skeptic arguments are subordinate. Consequently, if we can show by hard empirical evidence that God has revealed himself and, better yet, continues to do so, the other skeptic arguments become irrelevant. The traditional arguments about the presence of evil, etc. simply dissolve. They in effect become statements of how we think God should have done his job. We substitute our ideas of right and wrong and how creation should unfold for those of the creator. This is simply arrogant, irrelevant, and silly.

What should convince regular doubters (not the hard-core skeptic – they will never believe) is the empirical evidence that God has given us that HE IS. This is where we are going. Our approach is to introduce Evidence Independently Verified to help the reader recognize the loving presence of Jesus Christ. This evidence, along with Prayer and humility will lead him to a sure and firm faith. God has given us free will to accept, ignore, or reject Christ. We will try and help you make the right choice.

God does not hide, but maybe we do.

Evidence Independently Verified

If we have but one miracle or one appearance by Mary that we know with absolute certainty occurred, the only intellectually honest conclusion would be that the story of Jesus is true; all other conclusions and religions are necessarily eliminated.

1.     Appearances by Mary

We report on not one, but five apparitions (there are others as well which will be added). There is no explanation for any of these except the intervening hand of Jesus.

*     Our Lady of Fatima and the Miracle of the Sun (Portugal 1917)

*     Our Lady of Lourdes (France 1858)

*     Our Lady of Knock (Ireland 1879)

*     Our Lady of Zeitoun (Egypt 1968 – 1971)

*     Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mexico 1531)

2.     Physical evidence for the biblical Jesus.

Except for Our Lady of Guadalupe, the above appearances by Mary are attested to by numerous witnesses. The 1531 appearance by Mary to Juan Diego in Mexico is confirmed by her image which appears on Juan Diego’s tilma now enshrined in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. Other physical evidence God has provided includes.

*     The Shroud of Turin

*     The Sudarium 

*     Holy House of Loreto

3.     Miraculous Healings

Lourdes, France is famous as a place of miraculous healings, both physical and spiritual. The voice of God speaks through and is verified by these healings. Miraculous healings, however, are not confined to Lourdes. They are just better documented there. After reading the accounts of instantaneous and inexplicable healings referred to below, try to find a naturalistic explanation. You will fail and the best you can do will be to say we don’t know how or why these healings occurred, but someday we will. If that’s your position, please recognize that your approach has devolved from scientific to faith in something you know nothing about.

*     Jack Traynor (Lourdes 1923)

*     Marie Bailly and Nobel Laureate Alexis Carrel (Lourdes 1902 and 1944)

*     Gabriel Gargam (Lourdes 1901)

*     Marion Carroll (Knock 1989)

*     Francis Pascal (Lourdes 1938)

4.     Miraculous Events

Events can reveal God’s love and presence. I can understand why some, such as the Great Peshtigo Fire, might be considered nothing more than spectacular coincidences. Others, however, lend themselves to no explanation other than God’s love made manifest.

*     Great Peshtigo Fire (Wisconsin 1871)

*     Miracle of the Holy Fire (Every Easter Saturday)

*     Our Lady of China (China 1900 and 1995)

*     Cokeville (Wyoming 1986)

Science and Evolution

Evolution is merely a word, bandied about to provide a secular explanation for the variety and unfathomable complexity of life. Be sure to view the YouTube videos referred to in Science and Evolution and ask yourself, “Can evolution explain the incredible complexity and synergism of the human body and mind?” It can’t. Res ipsa loquitur = the thing speaks for itself. For example, vision is but one of the numerous complex systems which grace our bodies. Ask yourself how a clump of inorganic material could self-assemble into diverse and completely different parts to enable vision. Because no survival advantage would be gained without the entire visual package being assembled, the construction would have to be immediate and simultaneous. The retina cannot function without the cornea; nothing works without the optic nerve; the brain first would have to have evolved to the point where it could interpret the data, etc., etc. There is no rational explanation other than a Creator.

Now, go to When God Shows Off! and scroll quickly through the photographs of a few of God’s incredible creatures. What a Wonderful World! And you’re just seeing but an infinitesimal part of God’s creation, and that’s merely on this planet. I wonder what lies outside our planet and what eternity will reveal.

Glimpsing Eternity

God has gifted us with incredible glimpses of eternity. Unlike the materials presented in Evidence Independently Verified these glimpses cannot be independently substantiated, but they come close. Because of their consistency, lack of realistic alternative explanations, and the powerful love revealed by God we have included information about three visions or near-death experiences (Near Death Experiences). Be sure to read about Father Jose’s 1987 experience in India (To Heaven, Hell and Back) and the independent visions of two four-year-old children (Heaven is for Real) living half a continent apart. While their experiences cannot be objectively proved or disproved, they ring powerfully true. In the case of Father Jose his 30+ years of service to God as a Catholic priest and his healing ministry following his death and return to life speaks volumes. In the case of the two children, their testimony and the portrait of Jesus painted by one of the four-year-old children when she was eight called the Prince of Peace confirms their stories. We have also included a discussion in Portrait of Jesus, Ruler of All about the relationship and stunning similarity of three portraits of Jesus which almost certainly resulted from divine intervention. When you look upon the Shroud of Turin; Christ Pantocrator; and the Prince of Peace you are quite likely looking at the face of Jesus. These are the three portraits on our Home page.

An Incomprehensible God

The existence of a loving God that has endowed us with free will cannot be denied on the grounds that he is incomprehensible, omniscient, and omnipotent. If you can’t understand the nature of God, well, that’s to be expected. Don’t use this lack of understanding as a crutch to deny him. Of necessity, God is incomprehensible, meaning any attempt to describe or limit him is doomed. It may be fun to speculate about God, but whatever we think or say is mere speculation. Ask St. Augustine as he walked on the beach. See Overview.

Trustworthy Bible

Skeptics argue that because of internal inconsistencies and numerous other reasons, including the questions of authorship, dates of writing and other corollary issues relating to the Four Gospels and other books of the Bible, it is largely a work of fiction. This argument would be important if we didn’t have Jesus revealed to us in no uncertain terms by his mother at Fatima and elsewhere, as well as by the Turin photograph. But the Bible is in fact confirmed by these events as well as other evidence, all as described under Evidence Independently Verified. Nevertheless, to reinforce your faith in the reliability of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John as faithful accounts of the life, teachings, suffering, death, and resurrection of Christ you should consider:

*     The Resurrection

*     The Resurrection: Complementary Gospel Accounts

*     Incongruous Doctrines and Events

*     The Apostolic Conspiracy

Put yourself in the shoes of the fishermen or their immediate followers some 2,000 years ago and assess whether you could create such a masterful account of Jesus of Nazareth as is presented in the New Testament – unless it were true.

A God of Love

When we consider what Jesus did, as described under The Savior’s Incredible Love and why, as explained under Why did Jesus have to Suffer and Die?, we can see that rejecting the existence of God because of our pain, suffering, etc. are excuses and not reasons for nonbelief. The extent of God’s love for us is demonstrably and unimaginably deep.

Evil, suffering, unanswered prayers, and hell

A troubling argument against Christianity is that if the God of Christian theology were real, we would not suffer, there would be no evil, and death would be unknown. Prayers would be answered, and hell would not exist. After all, isn’t he supposed to be a God of love? With all respect, these are not arguments against the existence of God, but statements that God can’t exist because his creation and plan of salvation don’t comport with what we would have done. If he existed, he would have done a better job. To deny God, however (particularly in view of the material in Evidence Independently Verified), because one thinks that God should have accepted our model of the way things ought to be is simply an exercise in ego stroking. Our goal, and admittedly a difficult one to reach, should be to surrender our idea of how things ought to be and trust Jesus. When we do this, we will find the loving biblical God. To fight him because things aren’t the way you think they should be raises stupidity to a new level. Be sure to review:

*     Evil and Suffering;

*     Unanswered Prayers;

*     Alexandrina de Costa of Balasar;

*     The Savior’s Incredible Love;

*     Why did Jesus have to Suffer and Die?

*     Hell: A Loving God and Eternal Punishment?

Remaining in Christ

Now comes the really hard part for many. They can accept the irrefutable and compelling evidence, agree that the Four Gospels accurately reflect the life, teachings, suffering, death, and resurrection of Christ, come to terms with the issues of pain, suffering, etc., but something is still missing. And that something is Prayer. Talking to God and accepting the concept that he is the Creator and we the creatures is required to bring you to faith and to sustain it in our hostile secular world and as we meet the challenges of life. Here are some thoughts on how to overcome these obstacles and remain in the presence of God:

*     Read The Practice of the Presence of God – Brother Lawrence and you will learn how to go to God continually and remain in his presence. We introduce this obscure monk in Brother Lawrence: Remaining in the Presence of God.

*     As explained in Praying to Mary, the Blessed Virgin will help you. Just ask her. If you wonder why she should be of any special help, visit Mary’s Love and Fidelity.

*     Praying the Rosary daily will inevitably keep you in the presence of Christ. See Understanding the Rosary; The Rosary: Its Power and Importance; and The Rosary: A Quick Tutorial. On the day specified you will contemplate:

1.     The Joyful Mysteries: The Birth and Childhood of Jesus (Monday and Saturday);

2.     The Luminous Mysteries: Jesus Proclaims the Gospel (Thursday);

3.     The Sorrowful Mysteries: Christ Crucified (Tuesday and Friday); and

4.     The Glorious Mysteries: Resurrection and Promise of Eternal Life (Wednesday and Sunday).

*     The Rosary can seem a bit strange for those with a non-Catholic background. If that’s the case with you or you are moved by music try to meditate upon the 20 gospel events (called Mysteries) recalled in the Rosary, and a few others (without necessarily praying the Rosary), and associate them with inspirational songs (mostly Protestant in origin). You can remain in the Gospel through Inspirational Music.

*     When Christ was hanging on the cross, he spoke seven times. These are known as his Seven Last Words of Jesus from the Cross, and by recalling and meditating upon them you will hear the Son of God deliver seven sermons. While in excruciating agony he affirms he is Love by:

1.     Telling us to forgive others just as he forgave his tormentors (First Word);

2.     Promising heaven to the good thief who repented and trusted him (Second Word)

3.     Giving us Mary, his mother, to be our mother (Third Word);

4.     Taking upon himself the sins of all of us and thereby experiencing the total separation from the Father as he cried out in agony (Fourth Word);

5.     Affirming his thirst for our salvation (Fifth Word);

6.     Confirming the fulfillment of his role as the perfect lamb of God (Sixth Word);

7.     Joining his Father in heaven at the time he chose (Seventh Word).

An uncomfortable truth

We must acknowledge an uncomfortable truth. There are those who will never believe, and do not want to believe regardless of the evidence. A scourged, beaten, and bloodied Jesus could be crucified in plain view, a spear run through his heart, left hanging on a cross, entombed, and then a few days later appear and show his nail-pierced hands, explain the history of salvation and finally ascend into heaven with witnesses gathered about. And still the obdurate wouldn’t believe. It’s like Pharaoh when Moses was trying to free his people from their enslavement in Egypt (Exodus chapters 7-12). Moses kept telling Pharaoh what was going to happen unless Israel could leave, and when Pharaoh refused, the scourge or predicted catastrophe would happen. There could be no doubt that God was speaking to Pharaoh through Moses, and even Pharaoh’s court kept telling him this. Still, he fought God at every turn, and that mindset continues today. Regardless of the evidence, nonbelief still rules. Don’t you fall into that trap.

Our choice

Jesus has promised heaven for those who love him. He also told us about the eternal destination for those who reject God’s love, and he gave us the free will to choose. If we but open our minds and consider the many unambiguous proofs God has given for the humble seeker, our choice will be certain and clear.

C.S. Lewis puts it all in perspective: “Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.” There is no middle ground. Christianity compels us to ignore, reject or accept Jesus. It’s all or nothing. If your inclination is to ignore or reject, you must deal with the points made in this website. If you are wrong (are you infallible?) you may very well be facing an eternity in the absence of God and suffering in the presence of pure Evil, knowing there will never be an exit. If you are right and I’m wrong (I’m not infallible), well, we’ll never know because we will all have dissolved into nothingness.


Be aware that finding Christ isn’t always an instantaneous moment of insight. In fact, in most cases knowledge of God probably (I don’t know for sure and nobody else does) is a gradual unveiling. That was certainly the case when Mary Magdalene was at the empty tomb distraught because Jesus was missing. She didn’t even recognize him at first until he called her name. Jesus will call your name if you stay the course.

First priority: Enter the mansion

One final suggestion. Look upon Christianity as a mansion with a hallway and many rooms. First, come into the mansion and then find the room that makes the most sense for you. Don’t be distracted or repelled by the squabbling that seems to occur within this house of many rooms. Once you find your room don’t devote your energies to attacking those who have selected other rooms. You should be trying to help those standing outside enter this house of love. See Sharing your Faith and Christian Unity and Division.

Who at my door is standing?

Those whom I love, I reprove and chasten; so be zealous and repent.  Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.” Revelations 3:19-20.

Some websites and references

Footnotes and Attributions

Original engraving of Jesus knocking on the door by Peter Carl Geissler (1802-1872). Accessed from Wikimedia Commons.

Last modified on October 10, 2019