Remaining in Christ

Drifting from the shore       

Let us assume for the moment you agree that God has revealed himself and continues to do so as discussed in Evidence Independently Verified. An acceptance of all this extrinsic evidence and more as detailed in Glimpsing Eternity and Trustworthy Bible can only mean a living and loving Jesus (see A God of Love). There can be no other conclusion.

Our faith, based upon evidence and prayer, is solid and we should be secure. We see the beauty and magnificence of what Christ has done. Then something happens. Reason and prayer fade; we get caught up in the affairs of our world, making a living, dealing with the thousand crises that consume each of us. We start sliding off the gospel road, not because reason has taken us in a different direction, but because inattention, emotion, and imagination have. We start revisiting the question of whether God has and continues to reveal himself. We wonder again about evil, hell, unanswered prayers, and the cycle repeats itself.

Then we read about some weird and perverted Catholic priests, Church cover-ups, a Christian theologian or evangelist taking a position that can only be described generously as off the edge, or we watch the obligatory Christmas or Easter television program talking about how unlikely Christ was who he said he was and what he did. A television science channel tells us about the miracle of evolution, ignoring a Creator. Or a thousand other cancerous diversions take over. There would be no new evidence to attack Fatima, Lourdes, Knock, the Shroud of Turin, or the other unassailable facts accompanying God’s gifts to us, but doubt can still set in and chip away at our faith. It is easy to drift from the shore.

Those are some of the daily challenges to our faith. It is a wonder there are any believers left. If we neglect our faith it can wither. Here is some guidance to keep faith alive and growing.

Prayer and Brother Lawrence.

Prayer is essential and Brother Lawrence provides incredibly effective guidance. Please be sure to refer to these pages.

The Blessed Virgin’s intercession

Mary, the mother of Jesus, can be a powerful ally in your prayers and we explain why in Praying to Mary and Mary’s Love and Fidelity.

Gospel through Inspirational Music

Music is a universal language and inspirational music can keep us tuned to the gospel. Familiar hymns and sacred songs can be recalled at any time throughout a busy day and help us relive the saving grace of Christ. In The Gospel through Inspirational Music we join sacred gospel events with inspirational music (generally Protestant) so that we can relive the gospel through these songs and hymns. The music will transport us to:

  • The birth and childhood of Jesus;
  • Jesus proclaiming the gospel;
  • The agony and death of Jesus crucified; and
  • The Resurrection and promise of eternal life.

The Rosary

The Rosary is a beautiful devotion, much misunderstood, that can serve to keep us daily tuned into the gospel. Its central theme is the recollection and meditation upon 20 sacred gospel events called ‘mysteries.’ We will provide help on how you can use this incredible resource to remain in the presence of Christ. Start with Understanding the Rosary.

Seven Last Words of Jesus from the Cross

I would also urge you to consider a brief daily encounter with Jesus by recalling and thinking about the final words Christ spoke as he hung from the cross in brutal agony. The Gospels record that Jesus spoke seven times when he was nailed to the cross. Each time he spoke he delivered another gospel lesson. He reaffirmed who he was and what he wants from each of us. These are referred to as the Seven Last Words of Jesus from the Cross and if you think about at least one of these profound sermons every day, God in his love will make it impossible for you to drift from the shore. We guarantee it.

Daily scriptural readings

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops offers daily readings of scripture and related commentary. Upon request they will email the Catholic daily readings to you, along with a brief video reflection (generally about two minutes). Another internet source is the Association of Catholic Priests. This Irish website is offered by “an association for Catholic Priests who wish to have a forum, and a voice to reflect, discuss and comment on issues affecting the Irish Church and society today.” They offer brief daily homilies relating to that day’s readings.

Don’t forget Fatima, Lourdes, etc.!

When your faith struggles don’t forget about the pages and articles listed under Evidence Independently Verified. The hard-empirical evidence for God is overwhelming. Above all, don’t neglect prayer.

Though the Mountains May Fall

And don’t neglect the power of music. The Catholic hymn, Though the Mountains May Fall, tells us: “Should you turn and forsake Him, He will gently call your name. Should you wander away from Him, He will always take you back. Be sure to listen to this Catholic hymn as you read the lyrics.

Somewebsites and references

Last modified October 10, 2019