Evidence Independently Verified

God has given us the means to find him in whatever age we live, wherever we live, and whatever our level of education or intelligence. In particular, and of relevance to our present scientific age, he has given us tangible and verifiable proof in the form of miracles, heavenly visitations, miraculous cures, and even the burial cloths of Jesus.

There is an abundance of verifiable evidence external to the Bible that demonstrates the truth of Jesus. In this website we will discuss a few of these – some well-known, and others not.

1.         Appearances by Mary 

A.        Our Lady of Fatima and the Miracle of the Sun (Portugal 1917)

(1)        Fatima’s Messages of Love

(2)       Our Lady of Fatima 1917: The First Four Appearances

(3)        Our Lady of Fatima: The September 13th Miracle

(4)        Our Lady of Fatima: The Effects of Her Appearances

(5)        Fatima and Islam

(6)        Our Lady of Fatima: The Floundering Skeptic

B.        Our Lady of Lourdes (France 1858)

C.        Our Lady of Knock (Ireland 1879)

D.        Our Lady of Zeitoun (Egypt 1968 – 1971)

E.         Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mexico 1531)

(1)        Our Lady of Guadalupe: Gilding the Lily

2.         The Shroud of Turin: A Brief Introduction (Italy)

A.        The Shroud of Turin: Historical Documentation

B.        The Shroud of Turin: Facts that Compel Belief

C.        The Shroud of Turin: Evidence against the Shroud’s Authenticity

D.        The Shroud of Turin: Proving the Supernatural

3.         The Sudarium Confirms the Shroud of Turin (Spain)

4.         Holy House of Loreto (Italy)

5.         Science and Evolution

A.        When God Shows Off!

6.         Miraculous Healings

A.        Jack Traynor: A Miraculous Healing (Lourdes 1923)

B.        Marie Bailly and Alexis Carrel (Lourdes 1902 and 1944)

C.        Gabriel Gargam (Lourdes 1901)

D.        Marion Carroll (Knock 1989)

E.         Francis Pascal: Blindness Cured (Lourdes 1938)

5.         Miraculous Events

A.        Great Peshtigo Fire (Wisconsin 1871)

B.        Miracle of the Holy Fire (Every Easter Saturday)

C.        Our Lady of China (China 1900 and 1995)

D.        Cokeville (Wyoming 1986)

It is this empirical evidence that is the foundation for this website. We don’t speculate or theorize but present tangible evidence and describe events that clearly could not have occurred without divine intervention. A word of caution: Empirical evidence is just the start. Through it we can come to believe in God, but to know him we need to take the next step. And that next step is prayer and the humility to acknowledge that he is the Creator and we but the mere creation. The Lord reveals himself to the lowly in heart. Even the greatest of scholarly and erudite Christians came to their belief and knowledge of God through prayer.

A metaphor lurks. We all live in a house loaded with books and scholars mulling and milling about. The windows are shut; the blinds and drapes closed. We can acquire knowledge of the interior of our house through reading, studying and conversing with the learned. We’ll know all about what is in the house, but anything we know about the outside is based on speculation – a speculation limited by our experience. As long as we limit ourselves to what we can see, feel, and hear, we will be unable to see outside. By recognizing the empirical evidence presented in this website, however, we can open the shutters and windows and allow the light to enter. Our house will become a warm and beautiful place to live because you know that God lives and loves. But to truly immerse in the light and warmth of the sun, you’ve got to venture outside, and that’s possible only if we ask God for his permission. It’s called prayer. He’ll give it because this is what he wants from us.

We’re back to the basics. Atheists contend that knowledge can be acquired only through reason and scientific inquiry. But the reality of God goes way beyond such limitations, and knowledge of our Creator is inaccessible to scientific investigation. Nevertheless, we can at least begin to find God when we see the empirical evidence that HE IS. What we do with this information is our decision.

Footnotes and Attributions

The photograph of the cottage was taken by vindicator and is accessed from Wikimedia Commons.

Last modified October 10, 2019